New Construction

At ELM Consulting, we have experts to guide your project down the best pathway with the best possible results. Whether it’s energy modeling, design analysis, or navigating utility programs, ELM Consulting delivers.

McLean Retirement Community, Simmsbury, CT

Core Services

There are many efficiency and sustainability options available depending on your building vertical.


Commercial New Construction

Since 2018, ELM Consulting has helped developers secure over $1.4 million in commercial & industrial (C&I) utility incentives in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Projects vary from senior living to multifamily to warehouses to medical offices.

If your development has commercial space and/or common areas, you may be leaving money on the table. Over 60% of commercial new construction projects do not take advantage of the optimal utility incentive program or maximize their returns.


Multifamily Residential New Construction

In 2021, ELM Consulting was responsible for 15% of the dwelling units submitted through the Residential New Construction (RNC) program in Connecticut.

Depending on your state and utility, prescriptive or performance based incentives are likely available for new dwelling units.


Whole-Building Energy Modeling

In areas where more advanced utility incentive programs are available, energy models may be required to achieve maximum incentives. An energy model generated using a software program such as eQuest allows stakeholders to easily understand the interplay between different building systems and the impact on long term energy performance.

Past Projects

Here are some of the projects ELM Consulting has completed in recent years.

LCB Senior Living

Darien and Stamford were the first two projects that LCB and ELM Consulting worked on together. As a company, LCB’s internal building standards are extremely high and often exceed code standards. With building plans for both locations largely set, ELM Consulting was brought in to investigate both projects individually and search for any possible incentives. Between the two projects, ELM Consulting was able to use LCB construction and secure over $200,000 of energy conscious blueprint (ECB) energy incentives.

427 Howe Ave

A 72-unit Multifamily home building with common spaces and a parking garage. The building was already using several energy efficiency building practices, but ELM Consulting was able to inspect the building units and optimize the incentives that were available for the project.