Professional Services

HERS Rating

A comprehensive analysis of a single or multifamily residential unit that includes a full energy model, construction milestone inspections, and air testing.

LEED Certification

New and existing buildings can be recognized for implementing sustainably focused practices and design elements. Certified by the USGBC.

Energy Star Certification

Benchmark your building(s) with Energy Star Portfolio Manager to see how you compare against your peers and identify ways to save. Comply with local energy reporting mandates.

WELL Certification

We spend 90% of our time indoors. Focused on healthy buildings, this certification shows your commitment to providing the best environment for your tenants or employees.

Utility Incentive Procurement

Depending on your local utility both existing buildings and new construction could be eligible major efficiency incentives. ELM specializes in maximizing the impact of these programs.

Data Tracking and Analysis

With ELM’s Energy Insights platform you have actionable energy information available on both the portfolio and building level.

Energy Auditing

Analyze how all your building systems consume energy, identify opportunities for savings, and compare possible projects based on payback period and total lifetime savings.


Boston property owners must stay in compliance with BERDO requirements starting June 15th, 2022.